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Meet Our Instructors

Vida Khatibi


Vida is Drake Medox College’s Senior Instructor with over 15 years of experience as a teacher and curriculum developer. She is also a certified Mandt trainer.

In addition to the numerous classes she has taught, she has also taken the lead on the development and continuous enhancements to curriculum and lesson plans for various healthcare programs including Nursing, HCA and Community Support Worker.

Vida is recognized as an instructor who sets the bar very high for herself and her students, and holds everyone to the highest standards of practice. She is a passionate mentor who constantly challenges her students to stretch themselves beyond what they believe to be possible.

Success Story

I credit my success in finding work straight after I had graduated to their positive training environment and the very supportive staff at Drake Medox. It is from my experience at Drake Medox that I would definitely recommend them to all my family and friends. Thank you Drake Medox College for making my dream of becoming a healthcare assistant come true! I am very happy with all that I've managed to achieve so far and feel I have a bright future ahead!