Paying tuition fees for education is one of the best investments you can make. Compared to all other investments you will encounter in your life, investing in yourself and your future career will provide one of the best rates of return that you can get for your money.
At Drake Medox College we want to invest in your future too. We do this in a few ways. Firstly, we connect you with our experienced admissions team. They will help you determine the right plan of action for obtaining the right education for your career. More importantly, they will help you to explore the many options for funding your education. Their goal is to make your tuition fees easy for you to obtain AND, where possible, make the most of FREE education money!
BC Student Assistance Program (BCSAP)
This program has recently been renamed Student Aid BC. This is a needs-based program designed to provide supplementary financial assistance to eligible students to enrol in a full-time post-secondary level course for a minimum of 12 weeks. The amount and type of assistance awarded is based on a needs assessment. With one application, students may access several different types of funding including: Canada Student Loan, BC Student Loan, and Canada Millennium Scholarship Grants.
EI Training Funded by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada provide funding to unemployed individuals wanting to get back to work. The program assists people who are on Employment Insurance or have received EI in the last three years as well as those on maternity or parental benefits within the last five years.
Student Line of Credit
Most banks offer students an option to take out a Student Line of Credit to facilitate you paying for your education. You will need to be enrolled in a program and our admissions team will provide you with a letter of acceptance into the program to give to your chosen bank to confirm your commitment to your education.
Drake Medox Monthly Payment Plan
Pay as you go! We offer all students the opportunity to access our no interest Monthly Payment Plan.
Drake Medox College offers Recognition grants to individuals who register a minimum of two weeks before the start of any class.