Drake Medox Health Services – is a recognized health care provider working with government subsidies that can assist with home care funding, including the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority’s (WRHA) Self and Family Managed Care Program (SFMC).Visit our website at https://drakemedoxwinnipeg.com/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=organic
ADVANCE Continuing Education Ltd. – BC’s #1 source for FoodSafe Certification Training since 2003. We offer employment skills certification training including FoodSafe, Red Cross First Aid training and WorldHost customer service workshops throughout the Metro Vancouver area. For locations, course schedules or to learn more, visit our website at www.advance-education.com or www.foodsafe-courses.com.

Amica West Vancouver – Amica West Vancouver offers a wide range of in-house amenities, activities and services to enrich your life and support your independence. With their staff taking care of household chores, seniors have more freedom to socialize, relax or enjoy your favorite hobbies. https://www.amica.ca/west-vancouver?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=Maps
Amica Lions Gate – With gorgeous views of the North Shore Mountains, Stanley Park and Burrard Inlet, Amica Lions Gate is a wonderful place to call home.
Amica Lions Gate offers personalized service and premium amenities to support seniors who need assistance with daily living activities or dementia care. https://www.amica.ca/lions-gate?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=Maps
Broadway Lodge – Broadway Lodge provides 24-hour nursing care, seven days a week. Elders are admitted to the Lodge with complex care needs related to aging and dementia. http://broadwaylodge.ca/
Coover Immigration – Is a professional Immigration Service, which assists International Students every step of the way. They know that it’s not just about studying – this is your life. Click here for more info
Delta Community Living Society – We help people with developmental disabilities reach their full potential by living and belonging in the community.
We do this by facilitating community connections, family supports, employment opportunities, and supportive housing options with a commitment to life-long learning, choice and self-determination. https://www.dcls.ca/
Elim Village – The Harrison and Harrison West offers full care in a relaxed home-like setting. Residents and staff have the opportunity to form valuable relationships within their neighbourhoods while enjoying the activities in the building and the village. https://elimvillage.com/surrey/
Evergreen Timbers – The Langley Lions Housing Society has provided affordable housing to seniors and persons with disabilities since the mid 1970’s. Currently they provide housing for 625 units which consist of one bedroom and bachelor units. http://www.llschs.com/
Guildford Seniors Village – Guildford Seniors Village offers Complex Care in a village environment. Residents are cared for by a highly trained, professional and caring staff, in a safe and secure environment. https://www.retirementconcepts.com/locations/guildford-seniors-village/
GVCSS – Greater Vancouver Community Services Society is one of BC’s oldest and largest accredited community care service providers. GVCSS cares for 4,000 people each year, including the elderly, individuals with disabilities and those who require support to retain or regain their health and independence. https://www.gvcss.bc.ca/
Inglewood Care Center – Inglewood is divided into four different communities: The Lodge, the Manor, and the Upper and Lower Terraces. An individual’s level of care determines which area of the building can best manage their needs. https://inglewoodcarecentre.unicarehomes.com/
Lakeshore – Lakeshore offers 56 licensed residential care beds that are primarily single occupancy with limited double occupancy available. http://tcgcare.com/lakeshorecarecentre
Mainland – Mainland Safety is an authorized training provider of WorkSafe BC and Canadian Red Cross first aid programs. http://mainlandsafety.ca/home/course
PosAbilties – posAbilities is focused on service excellence and innovation, offering a wide range of programs, services and new initiatives to meet the needs and aspirations of children and adults across Metro Vancouver and other communities. https://posabilities.ca/
Seton Villa: – Seton Villa is a non-profit supportive housing project designed specifically for low income seniors (65+) who wish to live as independently as possible in their own apartment.
Seton Villa is a unique place, providing seniors with affordable housing, flexible options, security and peace of mind – factors that contribute to making it possible for seniors to remain living in their new home for a long time. http://www.setonvilla.com/about.html
Suncreek – Suncreek Village is a complex care home with a capacity for 120 residents within 7 unique households of only 18 residents. Residents will have their own private bedroom and large bathroom – all without extra costs. http://www.suncreekvillage.ca/
Surrey Community Living Society – To provide services and support for individuals with special needs and their families and advocates on their behalf. Through committed leadership and guidance we create an inclusive, safe, caring community that values dignity and choices. https://www.surreyacl.org/
The Mandt System® – The Mandt System, Inc. is an international staff development and training process providing a comprehensive array of programs and services to organizations, their employees, and the people with whom they interact. Building Healthy Positive Relationships between and among these constituents is the ultimate goal of our training programs.