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Meet Our Instructors

Abella Ortiz

HCA: Clinical Instructor

Abella worked in the Philippines and Middle East as a Register Nurse before immigrating to Canada. Working abroad, she brings to her role experience as a nursing supervisor in various hospitals , a health educator as a clinical instructor, and a strong appreciation of the importance of respect for cultural diversity in care.

She continued her education in BC at Vancouver Community College where she obtained her diploma as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and has since been working with the Health Authority.

Abella’s passion for teaching and mentoring students, specifically in a clinical setting, inspired her to pursue her career as a Clinical Instructor at Drake Medox College.

One of her favorite quotes to share with her students is: “People will forget your name, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” by M.Angelou

Success Story

Program: ESL / HCA Drake Medox College helped me to achieve my main goal – to become a Healthcare Assistant. They helped me also to become more confident in aspects of speaking and understanding. The ESL-HCA Program at Drake Medox College is the best study program I’ve been to. My Instructors were very supportive. My first impression of the ESL Program was “same old basic English again,” but I was wrong. I thought I didn’t need it because I can speak English. The ESL classes helped me to know how to pronounce properly, use proper grammar and even to create a formal paragraph. The important thing that the ESL Program did for me is to boost my confidence and to mold me into “a chocolate diamond” as Ate Myrine always says. The ESL-HCA Program is worth it and I enjoyed every class I attended. In several months I developed as an open-minded person, a knowledgeable student, a passionate Healthcare practitioner and a fluent user of the English language. As I move toward my new career, the ESL Program contributed a big part to my future work because I have learned how to be a good listener, a good reader and a good communicator. Indeed, I have become “ a diamond.” I am very thankful to Drake Medox College and my supportive Instructors for helping me along the way!

~ Jeanne Parilla ESL - HCA