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Meet Our Instructors

Abella Ortiz

HCA: Clinical Instructor

Abella worked in the Philippines and Middle East as a Register Nurse before immigrating to Canada. Working abroad, she brings to her role experience as a nursing supervisor in various hospitals , a health educator as a clinical instructor, and a strong appreciation of the importance of respect for cultural diversity in care.

She continued her education in BC at Vancouver Community College where she obtained her diploma as a Licensed Practical Nurse, and has since been working with the Health Authority.

Abella’s passion for teaching and mentoring students, specifically in a clinical setting, inspired her to pursue her career as a Clinical Instructor at Drake Medox College.

One of her favorite quotes to share with her students is: “People will forget your name, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” by M.Angelou

Success Story

I would highly recommend Drake Medox to anyone wishing to pursue a career within the healthcare industry. For those still not convinced, I would strongly advise you to research this for yourself, as I am very confident you too will find Drake Medox offers better value for money compared to others - even some of my colleagues think so having attended more expensive schools.